Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Image result for sherlock add
nonverbal gestures the hands are placed like they are ready to go to work. what i see is something big is coming and they are getting ready. facial expression eyebrow raised  and eyes wide  open mouth resting at half smile. what i see there a new case in town and it going to be a big one. people the two main characters  and a new one behind them. age young but to young. gender males with one female. what i see they are going on an old time case that takes place in the past and it has to do with a young girl. clothing old time cloth like what they would ware in the 1800 mean that it take place before present day. background all time London city looks like it might be in winter there a bride in a white wedding dress. camera angle straight froward on the characters from there wast up. with the character standing to there sides./

Friday, May 5, 2017

an add agents cop judging on the colour of skin then what you where doing. they jump on people on there skin colour because its not the the same as their own. and this happens mostly to black and brown skin colored people. some still think that scenes they are white the rules don't them just because if  you have a different skin colour makes a bad its what you do that makes you bad.

Image result for the man on the left is 75 times more likely to be stopped by the police
Image result for old time drug ads

this add tell us  that if you do cocaine all your pain is gone. they were poison there kids so they wouldn't have pain.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Image result for advertisement the weasel claim
 the weasel claim
Related image
the unfinished claim
Related image
the we're different and unique claim
Image result for advertisement the water is wet claim
the water is wet claim
Image result for advertisement the so what claim
so what claim

the vague claim

Image result for advertisement the\endorsement or testimonial claim
the endorsement or testimonial claim
Image result for advertisement the scientific or statistical claim
the scientific or statistical claim

Monday, May 1, 2017

Image result for magazine ads for products

the effect of this design is quiet and understated. this add get your attention and as a childish humor to it. the audience for this add is young and old people. for those who smoked and those who don't but might start. this advertisement has animals in it. they used the butts of the animals and compered them to a  cigarette bud. this appeal to those who smoke or thinking on starting it makes it seem like your doing something bad. advertisement leads use to a none smoking path.